UCPH IGN is hosting a ph.d. summer course on sustainable food systems from 22 - 27 August 2021. The course takes place on beautiful Bornholm and consists of many excursions to local entrepreneurs and innovators.
Read more about the program here and register.
Aim and content
The Four Course Themes
Theme 1: Tasting the future food systems – towards an edible experience economy? The idea of foods and their places as a unique identifier of products and services is attracting attention. In this theme we will explore the senses, the culinary and its narratives. We will look at how the terroir and its bio properties as well as its cultural heritage plays a role in developing creating the places of food.
Theme 2: Rethinking the land & cultivating the Urban - urban farming for city-regions. Innovation in food systems can not be done without a rethinking of the way we use the land. Increased plant production, reduction of animal husbandry and protection of soil and biodiversity are important components if this theme. We will explore new way of land-use, vertical farming practices and urban gardening and farming in cities.
Theme 3: Capacities & change strategies for future food systems – education & policies. Using the food and its place for innovation purposes involves creativity, learning and good change strategies. In this theme we explore the role of capacities and change making in food systems transformation. We look at the role of education both for professions, for citizens and most importantly also for young people in primary education.
Theme 4: Supply and food systems – safeguarding resilient food systems. The COVID crisis has clearly shown that resilience of food systems is an important aspect for food security of populations. In this theme we look at how citizen engagement has shifted and at how digital technologies might enable a new connectivity and sense of connectedness among farm2fork actors.
Deadline: 10 August 2021